Board of Directors

As of March 31st, 2014 Beaumont Community Church Society became incorporated under the Alberta Societies Act.  This new governance model now sees BCC with a Board of Directors.  This Board will meet 6 or more times a year to conduct business on behalf of the membership.

Our areas will include:

  • Report to members about activities at the Fall Annual Budget Meeting and the Spring Annual Ministry Meeting.
  • Budget
  • Appointment committees
  • Insurance
  • Plan to Protect
  • Lead in Pastoral selection

"The Board of Directors of a Christian organization is the people of God in community, the body of Christ, with members having different gifts, wisdom and functions.  The group's life should be formed by scripture, prayer, silent waiting, witnessing and serving.  Their meeting is not a gathering of individual people with business to transact, but is the functioning body of Christ."  (From  Wow!  That puts church governance into proper perspective!

Sandy Heavenor


Sandy (1)

 JP Peretti


JP (1)

Gary Hutchison


 Gary (1)

 Dave Wickett


 Dave (1)

Nicole Scott


 Nicole(1) (1)

Donna Hutchison



Bernd Heyde

Ex Officio

 Bernd (1)

 Blank 3696 x 4096