comein1Our Sunday morning Worship Service begins at 10:30 am. Come at 10:00 am if you want to share coffee and snacks and meet others.

We typcially begin with a Lectio reading followed by singing songs of praise, prepared by the Praise and Worship Ministry.  The music is prayerfully considered during the week, a mixture of both hymns and newer material.  

Following the time of praise we move into a time of prayer, we have a time to share our praise reports or prayer requests.

Afterwards, the kids are dismissed for their children's service. Children's service happens 3 times a month.

This is when the message is shared. We preach through all of scripture, from Genesis to Revelation, on a four-year rotation. The theme follows the Christian Calendar as we flow through the seasons.

After the message, we go through a time of repentenance before we share in Communion. Everyone is welcome to participate. If you have questions about what Communion is, contact Pastor Bernd Heyde This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

After communion, we join together in a few more songs before we are dismissed with prayer and a benediction.

For this coming Sunday's sermon and possible schedule activities click here or to listen to one that you missed see below.

After the service it is common for people to engage in fellowship.  We are intentional about growing together, and have encouraged spontaneous if not planned invites to share lunch with each other.

On the first Sunday of every month we set aside time to engage in the act of bringing our tithes. We then participate in communion in the form of a potluck lunch after the service.

We long for the Spirit to create and maintain a warm, honest, family-oriented environment and invite you to share in that with us!

  • Our building IS wheelchair accessible.

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