


10 Simple Ways to be Missional

  1. Eat with other people

    We all eat three meals a day. That's 21 opportunities for church and missions each week without adding anything new to your schedule, and meals are a powerful expression of welcome and community.

  2. Work in public places

    Hold meetings, prepare talks, read in public spaces like cafes, pubs, and parks. It will naturally help you engage with the culture as work or plan. For example, whose questions do you want to address in your Bible studies - those of professional exegetes or those of the culture?

  3. Be a regular

    Adopt a local cafe, pub, park, and shops so you regularily visit and become known as a local. Imagine if everyone in your gospel community did this!

  4. Join in with what's going on

    Churches often start their own thing like a coffee shop or homeless program. Instead, join existing initiatives - you don't have the burden of running it and you get opportunities with co-workers.

  5. Leave the house in the evenings

    It's so easy after a long day on a dark evening to slump in front of the television or surf the internet. Get out! Visit a friend. Take cake to a neighbor. Attend a local group. Go to the cinema. Hang out in a cafe. Go for a walk with a friend. It doesn't matter where as long as you go with gospel intentionality.

  6. Serve your neighbors

    Weed a neighbor's garden.Help someone move. Put up a shelf. Volunteer with a local group. It could be one evening a week or one day a month. Try to do it with other members of you gospel community so it becomes a common project. Then people will see your love for one another and it will be easier to talk about Jesus.

  7. Share your passion

    What do you enjoy? Find a local group that shares your passion. Be missional and have fun at the same time!

  8. Hang out with your work colleagues

    Spend your lunch break with colleagues. Go for a drink after work. Share the journey to work.

  9. Walk

    Walking enables you to engage with your neighborhood at street level. You notice things you don't in a car. You are seen and known in the neighborhood.

  10. Prayer walk

    Walk around your neighborhood using what you see as fuel for prayer. Pray for people, homes, businesses, community groups, and community needs. Ask God to open your eyes to where He is at work and to fill your heart with love for your neighborhood.


Community Threads is an outreach in Beaumont and surrounding communities, providing those that are going through rough times free clothing, footwear and sometimes even small household items.

It was launched on October 19th, 2012.  The hope is that with the generosity of our Community, this clothing outreach will continue and flourish for many years to come!

After 12 years of service, and seeing a decline in use with the opening of the Community Circle Thrift Center the decision has been made to close Community Threads.


This Ministry is quite often undervalued and overlooked, however if it isn't looked after it soon becomes very visible. To
me though, it is far more meaningful than just the general appearance of the building.  It become another way for us to shine our Light. This building is a blessing to us, not only for us as a congregation to meet in, but to also be available for
our community to enjoy, it can become a tool for creating opportunity for Christ to be known through us. The way we take
care of it, can speak of who we are as Believers.  Caring for it, as more than just a duty happens when you begin to see
that value. The building then becomes more than just walls, windows, and such...

Involvement in the Ministry, however that may look is always appreciated.

In the past we have had Spring Clean-up, which would would include items such as windows, walls and door cleaning. Tidy up various areas with-in the church, landscape clean-up, tree pruning and parking lot cleaning.

Many people with various talents have made facility maintenance very enjoyable.  This was very evident when young and old would work side-by-side, sharing experience and knowledge on our Saturday Church Clean days.

If you would like to be involved in the care and upkeep of our facility, contact Gary Hutchison at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Counting on support from all members of the Praise and Worship Ministry, there is a strong desire to bring glory, honor and praise to God the Father, through the Spirit and through salvation through Jesus.  To be intentional about our gifts, and use them to His glory!  To grow in relationship with each other, is also another emphasis and something to be cultivated more richly into the future.

Psalms 150:1-6 "Praise the Lord!  Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his might heaven!  Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness!  Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp!  Praise him with cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals!" 

Psalms 95:1  "Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!"

This Ministry is one of much life.  As a result, there is much potential for it grow and flourish!

Typically when one thinks of Praise and Worship Ministry, the music stands forefront, however there are many more aspects to be considered.  

  • There is the Technical Arts Team, with David Chan at the helm.  They are responsible for tweaking and allowing the sounds to be heard whether it be the musical side of a worship service, or the sermon (also recording the sermon that is posted on the website), to even our Christmas Eve Candlelight service, and many more occasions. They also enable the congregation to have the lyrics during the song portion of the Sunday Service, as well as facilitate videos and power point presentations that sometime are incorporated in a sermon.
  • Also another aspect of this Ministry is decorating not only the stage and sanctuary, but also the foyer. 
  • There are also opportunities for dramas, at different Seasons of the year. 

As with many Ministries, there are always numerous opportunities for involvement.  Opportunities for the Spirit to work, strengthening people to blossom and bloom in ways and areas that might be wonderfully surprising.

If you would like to be involved in the Praise & Worship ministry, whether that be with music, decorating, or audio or visual, contact the Praise & Worship team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Colossians 3:16  "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."