
If you have an item for sale or place for rent you can post it here! Send relevant information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



From time to time we run across articles and other pertinent information that we believe is appropriate to pass along to you.  Hopefully you will find this information helpful in your journey to know God and the culture around you. 
Lent Advent Calendar

Lent is a time for personal conversion, a time when Christians strip away all that is unnecessary and become more mindful of their dependence on God. Busted Halo's Fast Pray Give Lent Calendar (like an Advent Calendar, but for Lent) will give
you a moment of spiritual contemplation each day, and new and practical ideas for fasting, prayer and almsgiving.

BCC Incorporation
EMCC (Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada) is encouraging the incorporation of all 150 of their churches, including Beaumont Community Church.  This means BCC will become a legal entity as a registered society in Alberta under the Alberta Societies Act.  BCC will remain a member of EMCC, however after incorporation will be legally separate.  Please
see the document “Incorporation Template Notes” for further information on the reasoning behind this.
Moving Toward Maturity
It is clear in Scripture that God desires that all those who follow Jesus to grow up into Him (Eph. 4:15).  As a church we are on a journey of helping people grow to Maturity in Christ.  To provide a starting point we have developed a short document (Defining Maturity) that endeavors to define Spiritual maturity from a biblical perspective.
Spiritual Reading of Scripture
Have you ever wondered if God speaks today?  There is a centuries old practice that allows you to use Scripture to focus as you open yourself to hear Him speak to you.  The Spiritual Reading of Scripture is a great starting place for us to begin to recognize God’s voice in our daily lives.
Toxic Substances that Harm Our Faith
We live in a culture that poses many dangers to our relationship with God.  We have become so used to the many distractions that hit us in what we call “Everyday Life” that we have problems evaluating the things that may be harmful to our Faith.  Jonathan Janzen and Ryan Dueck have written a good article on how Consumerism impacts our Christian lives.  Please read Buyer Beware and give us your feedback through our contact form.

Elder Board


Rick Heavenor

Rick (1)

 Jim Roemmich

Jim (1)

 Dean Thorpe

Dean (1)




Here are a few things we are looking "To Do":

  • Painting throughout.
  • Changing of the janitorial door on the main floor.
  • Re-seal East basement exterior wall, SE corner North to the new addition, and adjust the landscape grade as well.
  • Re-locate eavestrough South end of building.
  • Change location of copier and printer into library.